"First hand experience of polio"

onsdag 25 oktober 2023 12:45-13:45, Restaurang Sjökanten, Bruttovägen 1A, 17543 Järfälla, Sverige
Webbplats: https://persspis.se/restaurangsjokanten.html

  "Julius  Mvenyl Ntobuah is the founder of  "Newcomers with disabilities in Sweden"with the aim to advocate for inclusion of refugees and asylum seekers with  disabilities in the Swedish society and that the specific needs of our target group are met during the whole inclusion process. He is also a member of the UNHCR Advisory Board, which acts as a representative body for organizations led by displaced and stateless people, and will play a critical role in providing strategic policy advice to UNHCR. During this lecture he will provide insights on his first hand experience with one of the vaccine preventable diseases, polio."

Föredraget hålls på engelska.

Julius Mvenyl Ntobuah